Friday, August 20, 2010

Interactive Colonial History

How well would your students fare as colonists? Well, that depends on a lot of factors, such as, do they believe in washing or showering every day, or even every week? As well as this online feature, students can also select a tour of the governor's or the preacher's house. Take a look at the ovens, the houses, the storehouses, and the land there to see how the colonists lived. Further interactive features here explore colonial clothing, events during the 17th century, Video Diaries, and an interactive voyage.

Inside the Voting Booth

How do people vote? Does one vote make a difference, really? (You bet; click on the time machine here to learn how.) Fill out a Future Voter's Card and cast a vote in this online and interactive election game.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Particle Adventure

Lots of trivia enlivens this online adventure through the fundamental building blocks of our world. Find out what our modern atom model looks like - quite different from not too many decades ago. The scientific method is covered, and a glossary is available in this appealing online journey into the heart of matter.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Solve for Variables

Get some extra practice in for algebra with this online math game.